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Year 5/Dosbarth bump

Hello and welcome to our Year 5 page!

We had a fantastic end to our spring term, designing and making our own chocolate. We are excited to begin the summer term exploring our developing world. We have decided as a class to investigate the Ancient Egyptians to find out what our world was like in the past. 



STEM projects

We have been busy designing and making our own chocolate. We have investigated melting points, sugar content and different types of packaging.




we have enjoyed exploring the concept of change during the spring term. We have learnt about people who made a change in Britain and the wider world. we enjoyed learning about coal mining and Welsh industry. 
This term we will be exploring our developing world. We will investigate our world in the past, present and future. We are also going to explore how we can have a positive impact on our planet.


Health and Well-being

we have been learning all about neuroscience. We have learnt how our brain works and how to use happy breathing to help us when we are feeling anxious, excited or angry. This term we are focusing on our own personal strengths and character traits.


Expressive Arts

We have enjoyed exploring, developing and creating this term. We have created videos for our own playscripts, created collages based on our hobbies and home life, explored artwork from Keith Haring and investigated religious artwork.


Religious Education

Our current topic is Pentecost-serving. We will be learning about the Christian belief that God is active in each person. It is the work of the spirit to enable people to hear God's message, to respond and share it. The feast of Pentecost is a celebration of the gift of God's spirit and its transforming power.


Languages,Literacy and communication

This term we will be recapping on familiar Welsh sentence patterns. We will also be learning how to describe animals and use third person in our writing.

We are going to be continuing our learning of basic French words and phrases.

We have made fantastic progress with our Literacy skills. This term we are looking forward to writing our own stories, letters and news reports. We will share some of these with you via class dojo. 



This term we will be learning all about money, percentages and area. We are looking forward to designing, making and selling our own products during enterprise week. We will also be brushing up on skills that we have already learntthis year. 







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